July 2019 - Eagle Flexible Packaging

Archive for: July, 2019

General / Innovation / Preformed Pouches / Sustainable Packaging

4 Important Sustainability Considerations for Pet Food Manufacturers

July 22, 2019

The desire to preserve the planet and our environment isn’t limited to just what foods we enjoy and the consumer products we purchase. Pet owners are increasingly concerned about the diets they’re providing to their pets and even the packaging that contains these foods and treats. But beyond even these...

General / Innovation / Preformed Pouches / Sustainable Packaging

Consumers Mean to Buy Sustainable, But Do They? They Sure Do!

July 8, 2019

For all the big talk, are consumers actually buying sustainable products? Many company executives have doubted the follow-through of buyers and discouraged investing in sustainable supplies, packaging, and processes. If consumers don’t put their dollars where their mouths are, does it justify the business costs? But it turns out that...