Eagle Flexible Packaging would love to connect with you at this month’s PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Healthcare Packaging EXPO—two outstanding events co-located at the Las Vegas Convention Center, September 23-25. As an innovative printer and converter of flexible packaging to support the product needs of numerous manufacturers, we’re excited...
Eagle Flexible Packaging is excited to return as an exhibitor at Natural Products Expo East once again this year. The tradeshow is September 12-14 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore MD. The very successful event promises to be its best to date and it continues to grow year over year. Produced...
Single-use plastics seem to get all the attention these days as consumers and corporations alike aim to reduce our impact on the environment and make more responsible, sustainable choices. Though much of the discussion revolves around water bottles, plastic straws, and other tableware, pet food packaging has increasingly migrated from paper to...
The desire to preserve the planet and our environment isn’t limited to just what foods we enjoy and the consumer products we purchase. Pet owners are increasingly concerned about the diets they’re providing to their pets and even the packaging that contains these foods and treats. But beyond even these...
For all the big talk, are consumers actually buying sustainable products? Many company executives have doubted the follow-through of buyers and discouraged investing in sustainable supplies, packaging, and processes. If consumers don’t put their dollars where their mouths are, does it justify the business costs? But it turns out that...
It’s harder today than ever before to find a household that doesn’t have a pet. In fact, more than 2/3 of U.S. households have pets, which is a massive growth over the last couple decades. As a result, the pet care market is booming, with the U.S. having the largest market share....
Pet owners are passionate about their pets, and their shopping habits are adding up to healthy growth in the flexible packaging market. Canned food is still in demand in the space, but flexible packaging bags and pouches are now prevalent—and a preferred packaging type for pet foods and treats. Many...
Tea is one of the most popular global beverages, and it’s no wonder. Equally suited to a soothing winter warm-up or a summer refreshment, tea is enjoyed around the fireplace, on the back porch, and in cafes and specialty shops around the world. This all-natural beverage is also an obvious...
"Our team at Eagle is very excited to be exhibiting for the first time at two shows in June", said Jacob McConnell Director of Marketing at Eagle Flexible Packaging. "We will be showcasing our latest packaging innovations at IDDBA 19 in Orlando, FL., and the World Tea Expo in Las...
Eagle Flexible Packaging Introduces In-House Fitment Insertion Capability. Offering the latest technology in packaging solutions, Eagle remains a leader in customer satisfaction. Batavia, IL May, 2019: Eagle Flexible Packaging adds in-house fitment insertion machine to their list of capabilities. Fitment pouches are rapidly growing in popularity for packaging various types of...